Yesterday, mom and i planned to 'bake' a cake for my bro as yesterday was his we did it..then, as the dough was ready to "steam"..we found that the gas already finished..yes the gas..(it was a steam choc cake..unlike usual)..huh..wut realy a funny seem like our plan to be ruin..simultaneously,we laugh...n the same time..we worried if the cake..bentat..hehehe..then, we got an bring all those kind of things that related to my aunt's home...and steam it there..we called my aunt 1st..when she knew it..she just like us..laugh..ok..this is nop main point i wanna tell u guys...but i just wanna share the recipe which i got from internet..with a little bit of upgrade..
1 cawan gula perang
1 cwn susu segar choc
1 cwn minyak masak
3/4 serbuk koko
1 cwn susu pekat
1 1/4 cwn tepung gamdum
1 sudu kecik soda n baking powder
3 biji telur
1/2 choc bar yg dihiris
Ayak tepung, soda bikarbonat & baking powder
masukkan serbuk koko, gula, susu segar, susu pekat dan minyak ke dalam periuk dan panaskan di atas api kecil sehingga semua larut. Matikan api.
Pukul telur hingga kembang dan masukkan ke dalam bancuhan koko.
Masukkan tepung sedikit sedikit dan gaul sebati.
Tuang ke dalam loyang yang telah di lengser dengan minyak/ lapik dengan kertas minyak. kemudian taburkan choc bar yg dihiris tadi.
Tutup loyang dengan aluminium Foil dan kukus selama 3/4 jam di dalam kukusan yang telah dipanaskan.
Angkat dan sejukkan. 4 topping cairkan choc bar ngan tmbhkan susu pekat sket..
hohohoho...ready to be eaten..maybe, according to the recipe, it seem an absurd...but..believe even delicious than the choc cake that we buy at cake hause..[except at secret recipe]..moist..realy moist..yummy..yummy..[no cake da hbis dmakan b4 i snapped the pic]
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